Friday, December 16, 2016

Ahead of schedule

So next week is the week before Christmas. Now typically the week before Christmas is when I usually do my DIY/ handmade gifts. I wait until the week before Christmas because I can do them all at once instead of spreading them out throughout the course of the month and potentially losing embellishments, misplacing items needed, etc. Over the last couple weeks I've been strategically preplanning what DIY gift would be made for which family member, or friend? ( and yes, friends get Homemade gifts too )
I know my family doesn't read my blog, so I'm not going to hesitate to share with the world what they're getting for Christmas. I always like the idea of giving families something with a significant date on it, remembering a birth or significant moment in their lives. My older brother and sister-in-law have three beautiful girls, so I wanted to include their birthdates on this year's homemade gift. 
I saw these bamboo cutting boards at the $.99 store a few weeks ago, and I thought it would make perfect wall "Art" for their kitchen.

I'm not a huge fan of stencils or of rub on adhesive letters, I always manage to make them look crooked, so usually I can get by with free-handing it.

As I started, I realized I was making quite a few mistakes. So thank goodness I started with a pencil instead of the sharpie!  It came out great, better than I expected! 

I was feeling confident in my skills so I decided to start one for my folks. I ended up choosing a different font. When I was about halfway done using the sharpie I realized I hated it! So I scrapped the idea and I'm painting over it with chalk paint, embellishing it with the ribbon, and gifting it to someone as a chalkboard..... problem solved!!!
One gift down, 17 to go. But, at least I'm ahead of schedule! 

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