So we threw our annual Christmas party this past weekend! My husband and I always tell each other we are not gonna go overboard, not gonna make a big deal about it...... just invite a few friends over and their kids.
We like to have kid friendly parties since we realize that our friends are exactly like us, in the way that sometimes you want to include your children , babysitters are expensive, and our kids need to see us socializing with other adults so they realize that mommy and daddy have friends too!
So There!
We have a tight circle of friends but when we have parties, its a fun excuse to open our home to a family we would like to get to know better. So, old friends, new friends, friends we see all the time, and friends we haven't seen months, friends, friends, and more friends!
I love that even though our party is "Low key", its fun to watch all the moms walk through the door all "Glammed" up! Its actually kinda funny! We all take extra time to examine each others' hair, makeup, outfits, shoes, etc..... because we all think that none of us own anything other than a hat, jeans, or yoga pants lol!
(I wish I would have taken pics)
So as part of my unique O.C.D. quirkiness, I'll normally be the one wandering about the house looking for garbage or possible spills lol! Don't get me wrong, I do sit and chat but I have a consistent urge to make our guests to feel comfortable knowing they are in a tidy home, plus it helps me to enjoy myself! So if your watching me clean during a party, it means your watching me relax!
At some point during the evening I stopped to just observe and take in everything going on around me! Everyone has a plate of food and a glass of wine that they are juggling, the volume of everyone in the house echos so loud that Pandora is faint in the background, the kids are cheering at a game system while others carry toys in their hands or are all cozy'd up watching a Christmas movie. Just the sight of everyone enjoying each others company...... it tugged at my heart strings at what a blessing it was to have that night!
Sadly, it had to end, and its always disappointing when a fun evening with friends has to be over. Giving Hugs out the door, and all of the sudden........ its quiet! Overall it was an incredible night. No drama, kids were all behaved, lots of wine was consumed, and we even managed to have have leftovers. The next day.......we LIVED on the couch and only got up to get food, lol! Best weekend EVER!